I was amazed at how most people are so busy in their lives, emotions, minds and daily dramas, that they did not have a good sense of the power of space.
Only as we find space do we get a glimpse of the truly creative. Only when we are empty can we fill with the good stuff of life. In emptiness we find our freedom. In emptiness we can play on the edges of ideas, ideals, higher energies, love and our true power, and find our own deepest urge or calling.
Our ego takes control to keep busy and keep getting what it wants. It sees no value in space and stillness. If you want to engage with love and your own inner power, then you will need to assert your will to break the busyness routine.
How can you experience space many times during the day? If being in emptiness or stillness are alien to you, then start small. Release the activity of your mind and take a few deep breaths; gaze out a window; invite mental silence during a washroom visit, a walk down the hall or a coffee break; and acknowledge a glimpse of beauty, a hug or a smile.
Ideally, find at least once during the day to pay a longer visit to your inner space, through meditation, a nurturing bath, solitude in nature, journal writing or quiet reflection.
Remember that in your unconscious, reactive busyness throughout the day, you are reinforcing old patterns. It takes considerable effort to replace them. If you sincerely seek empowerment, then set an intention daily to bring more space into your life.
Honour yourself. Respect yourself. Grow yourself - one step, one little space at a time.