State the Goal:
Define what that means to you: (and look it up the key goal word in dictionary if you need)
Set the Deadline:
Identify Your Obstacles: (this could be habits, addictions, people, lack of skill, lack of finances, lack of
time, false beliefs)
Identify the People, Groups, and Organizations that can assist: (find a role model if you can)
List the Consequences of Not Completing this Goal:
List the Benefits to achieving the goal:
List the Skills you need to acquire to attain the goal:
Develop an Action plan:
Get Passionate about your goal: Change your posture. Take a deep breath, Look up, Stand tall. Walk
with the feeling I can, and say yes to yourself.
Create a Vacuum to make room for the desired goal: (Clear out the old to let in the new) old believes,
old patterns of behavior, old relationships, stuff you don’t need)
Actions: (start listing the actions)
What can I do right now? (pick one action and do it Now!)
Affirm: Here is an example for an affirmation of inner peace. If you can find one word to repeat to yourself to remind you to focus on your goal it helps to anchor the goal "I am at peace with myself and my world. I
anchor this with the phrase. “Inner Peace” I say it often. I think it often and the more I think and say Inner Peace the inner peace increases."
Review Your Worksheet often taking actions as planned. (Edit and modify as you need.) Notice what works and doesn’t work. Change the action plan if needed.
Reward yourself and Celebrate! Once you completed the Now Action give yourself a reward. It will remind you how good it feels to take appropriate action. I have a friend who takes a 4x4 piece of art.
paper and quickly draws and colours a star with pastels and puts them on her fridge. A long soak in a fragrant bath might work or gathering a leaf or flower from nature. Do what works for you and be sure to reward yourself and give thanks to everything in your world. Give thanks to yourself.
printed with permission from Linda Diane Taylor -