Many ask questions and ask for help. The questions are answered and help comes.
We ask Ask what should I do? and we very clearly hear turn right because we think is is the shorter route, we turn left and end up smashing into a brick wall or even worse have someone hit us with a brick wall.
We ask to be guided to find a job. A pizza delivery guy appears asking for directions. We point the way but we pay no attention to him or worse we dismiss him as just a delivery guy. When in fact he is a traveling student from Hong Kong and his father owns the largest telecommunications company in the world and is currently opening a business in our community and is desparately looking for employees with our skills.
We hear "stop - smoking, drinking, drugging, playing video or computer games or any other addiciton" or "go take a walk or clean out your garage" and eventhough we may agree we procrastinate or worse make some feeble excuse as to why we are not following the guidance.
We ask for a healthy, loving and supporting relationships. And the next thing we know we are with unhealthy people, with unhealthy lifestyles and with values that don't even come close to our own. They tell us don't do this or that, or you can't, or that is stupid or even worse use manipulation to get us to do what they want.
We go off to psychics and other folks for guidance. They tell us we are a great something, maybe a healer or teacher or shaman. The send us to the wrong door and we spend months, years and sometimes a lifetime trying to become something we are not all because some psychic told us this is what we are. 99.9 % of psychics are getting their information from lower realms or are only reflecting their own issues. 99.9% of healers are only using their sexual energy to make people feel better. 99.9% of so called shamans are fake. 99.99% of spiritual and religious teachers by whatever name they take are corrupt in some way. The sad thing is that all of these teachers, leaders, psychics, healers and shamans are not only making people sick they believe there are a great psychic, healer or shaman. These people can have value and give some direction but in the end one must look at their lives. Do we really want to live as they live? Are they healthy? How much of what they say is an illusion from their minds? Ask what is their motivation? The time has come for a new understanding and all of these so called healers, psychics, shamans, teachers will be exposed as fake. Not to worry if we have choosen to be one of these things. All of us do at some time but now it is time to smile and say thankyou for the lessons and let them go now if our ego will allow.
We decide to talk to our dead ancestors. They freely come and give us information. They might even make us feel better for a bit. Realize that dead ancestors had issues likely not cleared. If we are trying to make money best not to ask the ancestor who never made a dime however if we have an ancestor like leonardo da vinci, einstein or mozart we could certainly ask them how to create. Be wary of messages from aunt em or uncle tom, this messages come from lower realms. Ancestors may also try and get us to clear their stuff. Say they were a black slave trader and ended up having a lot of guit about it and we find ourrself working helping the homeless black kids ... although it is a noble thing to do.. we do not have to take the task. If we think it is a karmic debt, think again. We can choose but in essence, we can actually decline. Breaking the ancestral karmic debts is not our job now.
I won't go on into how the media manipulates us nor how the governments of the world are just trying to stay alive by feeding on our ignorance and fear.
What to do what to do..
two choices .. one... stay where you are, keep doing what you are doing and not much will change.
two.. become silent and don't just listen.. act.. and you will access information available to only an elite few.